43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Friday, 15 April 2011

Skills Audit

Photographic Skills
Which of the following photographic features/equipment have you used on a camera before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Manual Focus features

I did this in both AS Media and GCSE Graphics, it took me a while to get used to it but after I had got the hang of changing the focus to match the zoom then I found it much easier to use, I ended up using it in my final production as it gave me greater control over how I took the image.
Shutter Speed

I used shutter speed for the first time in AS Media, I found it hard to get used to, but after I had used it a couple of times I became much more comfortable with it. We had to a blog about I that is what really made me see how much you could change with editing the shutter speed.
Aperture control

I have used this once in AS Media, it let me adapt what I could see in the depth of field. Other than that I haven’t used it, I would like to progress in this in the future and develop my skills so I fully understand how to use it.
ISO Control


A tripod

A tripod is a great tool for making an image completely still; I think that with it you can make an image 10 times better. I used one first in GCSE Graphics to take the majority of my images, I then used it again in AS Media. A tripod is perfect for taking low shutter speed images as it means the camera isn’t moving.
External flash

I only used this once and that was for my final piece in AS Media, I don’t understand how it works, but it can create different directions of light, meaning is you want side lighting then the flash from the side will give that effect, where as if you use camera flash you can only really get front lighting.
Self timer facility


Light meter


Composition grids


Photoshop Skills
Which of the following features of Photoshop have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Have you aver used Photoshop ever before?

I first used Photoshop in GCSE Graphics, I found that it was a really good product that allows you to edit an image you any level that you are willing to take it to. I used it again in AS Media and AS Graphics, I have developed my skill and found out new techniques that make editing much easier.
Text control

Although I have used text control, I feel like I have made my skills much stronger and tuned to editing on Photoshop because of AS Media and AS Graphics. There are so many ways you can edit everything on Photoshop so you can never know everything, I found out about the text wrap tool which lets you edit the size and shape of the text.

Although I have used Most of the filters on Photoshop before I think that AS Media and AS Graphics have helped my make better decisions on which looks better for different occasions and purposes. Since I have started these “ AS courses  I have started you use different filter for example the Emboss filter which changes the image to bulky likes that define the image.

Although I have used all of the brushes that Photoshop has to offer there are always more online or you can even make your own brushes, I learned to do this in AS Media and AS Graphics. Having this skill means I can edit image in new ways and create different effects with different brushes.

Although I have used layers before there  are so many new thing that I have learned about them in AS Media and AS Graphics. I now know how to make a sheet over the layer, which means you can cut out small bit that you don’t want in your image without having to fiddle with the magic wand tool or other selection tools.
Opacity control

Although I have used the opacity control before there different ways you can use it that I hadn’t done before, I learnt to do this in AS Media and AS Graphics. You can put images behind others to emphasis their meaning, the opacity control lets you take most of the strength from the image so that it  doesn’t dominate the image.
Shape creation

Although I have used shape Creation before I developed my skills in with this tool in AS Media and AS Graphics. This tool is great when you are making a magazine, you can make funky looking shapes that can be sued to emphasis some areas.
Brightness and contrast control

Although I have used brightness and contrast control before I think that I have used them much more in AS Media and AS Graphics. This tool is essential for making an image look good, you can change how dark someone looks, you can make their skin and hair more appealing just by editing the strength and weakness of this tool.

Although I have used Gradients I think that I have made my skills more developed in AS Media and AS Graphics. The gradient tool can be used for may different things, you can create shading with it or you can give something depth which get people thing about the image.
Load selection features

Although I have used load selection features before in GCSE Graphics and then again in AS Media and AS Graphics.

i have used feathering before in GCSE Graphics then again in AS Media and AS Graphics. This skill is useful for when you are trying to make an image rounded and fade into another , I used this when I was making my final product to make images blend together better.
Colour curves adjustment

Although I have used curves before I now see that you cant make a good image without it, thanks to AS Media and AS Graphics. For an image of a person you need ot create the perfect ‘S’ shape, this will give you darkens in some areas and light in others.
Resolution setting control

Although I have used Resolution setting control GCSE Graphics and again in AS Media and AS Graphics, it means you can make a small image big without it being pixelated.
Magnetic lasso, polygon lasso tool

Although I have used Magnetic lasso and polygon lasso tool before I think my skill using them have developed greatly from AS Media and AS Graphics. I have used these tools in my final piece as they are he best for selecting large sections of image that you want to edit or get rid of.
Cropping tool

Although I have used cropping before in GCSE Graphics and again in AS Media and AS Graphics, I used it in my final piece to get rid of unwanted sections of image.
Clone tool

Although I have used the clone tool before it is my favourite tool for editing images, the clone tool can be used to make any image look clean and fresh. AS Media and AS Graphics have help me to develop my skills in this tool, I now use it in nearly every image I make.
Retouch tool

Although I have used this tool before in GCSE Graphics I thin that I have made my ability to use this a lot better. AS Media and AS Graphics showed me how to use it properly  and to give the right effect

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